TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 1993 300zx rough idle when warm, bad gas mileage.
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Subject 1993 300zx rough idle when warm, bad gas mileage.
Posted by flyhotstuff on November 22, 2014 at 5:55 AM
  This message has been viewed 547 times.
Message I recently bought a 1993 twin turbo Z with 55210 miles. has a lot of power. I am getting really terrible gas mileage like 8 mpg. if i could get at least 16 MPG on city driving i would be happy with my purchase. When the car reaches operational temperature it starts to idle at 500 rpm and really rough, kinda like it's surging. but it stays around that rpm mostly.

The gas tank doesn't appear to be pressurized as there is no whoosh sound when i open the gas tank. I am not sure if the gas cap is bad.

when i slow down and just release the clutch the car starts jerking and the rpm drops to somewhere are 200 rpm when it jerks.

I have the old style injectors if that helps.

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